Why do I have lower back pain on my right side?

lower back pain on my right side


When you have pain in your lower back, it could be from several different sources. You could be having a pulled muscle, or maybe you strained a muscle somewhere. The fact of the matter is that most back pain is a result of one thing, and one thing only: poor posture. If you want to know what causes lower back pain on the right side, here’s how you can find out:

Spine problems

lower back pain on my right side

Your spine is the support structure for your body. When your range is not in the right alignment, you can experience pain and difficulties with your movement. If your spine is not lined up correctly, you could be putting yourself at risk for many different types of medical problems. If your back is not aligned correctly, you may have a problem with your hips or knees, but this can affect your feet and toes as well. Your spine holds up your feet and toes, so if your spine isn’t aligned correctly, they can slip off.


lower back pain on my right side

One of the major problems with having back pain is that if you have a disability, it can make it very difficult to be employed. Employers are very reluctant to hire someone with a disability, so if you have a back injury, it can make it even more challenging to get a job. Lower back injuries can even affect your long-term health. Back pain on the right side is a symptom of poor circulation, which is terrible for the heart. If you have poor circulation, you can experience many different heart problems, from heart attacks to high blood pressure.


lower back pain on my right side

When looking at what causes lower back pain on the right side, it’s also important to consider your lifestyle. For instance, if you’re into strenuous physical activity regularly, your spine might not be in the best condition. This can lead to problems later in life because your body will be less capable of coping with the physical demands of regular work. Also, if you are overweight, this can put a strain on your back as well, because the extra weight makes it harder for your muscles to provide you with the support that you need. All of these things can lead to back pain on the right side.

Repetitive motion 

lower back pain on my right side

lower back pain on my right sideMany people get arthritis from sitting at a desk all day, so they may develop lower back problems from overusing their back. To help reduce pain, try getting up from a seated position periodically to stretch your muscles and increase circulation. You can also take short walks around your neighbourhood regularly. Walking can also help your muscles become more flexible and reduce back pain.

Pregnancy and menopause 

lower back pain on my right side

As hormones level off in women, they can become more mobile, which helps to relieve some of the pain. In men, estrogen levels decrease during menopause, which causes them to be less mobile and more susceptible to pain. To make sure that you don’t end up with back issues, it’s vital that you see a doctor regularly, especially if you have been experiencing problems for more than a few months.


lower back pain on my right side

Sciatica is caused when pressure is applied to the sciatic nerve, which travels through the lower back and down each leg. This type of pain can be very severe and requires immediate attention. Some physical therapy can help reduce the amount of pressure placed on the sciatic nerve, but in many cases, surgery is the only way to relieve this type of pain. Many people who suffer from sciatica will also find that the leg rest is helpful, and it can help to alleviate some of the pain.

High-heeled shoes

lower back pain on my right side

You will find that if you wear shoes that are too high, you will be subject to pain in this area as well. Spine width increases with footwear, but not all shoes have this added height. You might find that adding orthotics to your shoe provides additional relief. These are special foot devices that correct problems with your foot and ankle that you experience from an excessive amount of walking, running, or other types of athletic activity.

Lower back pain is something that affects a lot of people. If you’ve been wondering what causes lower back pain on the right side, now’s the time to figure out what’s going on. Consult a doctor regularly and don’t hesitate to talk about your concerns. This can help you find relief, and it can help you prevent issues.

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