How to heal lower back strain and pain? This question has been bothering most of us, as we age. It is one of the most common symptoms of weak and undeveloped back muscles. Aside from spinal disc herniation, which is the injury or dislocation of a vertebra in your spine, the most common causes of lower back pain are sprain, ligament tears, and muscle pulls.
1. Stop difficult activities

lower back strain – difficult activities
If you want to know how to heal lower back strain and pain, then you need to take note of these tips. First, you need to stop doing all those activities that straining your back in the first place. You don’t want to do more work for it than what it already requires. Give your back enough rest so that it can rejuvenate itself and repair itself. You can do this by giving it a rest from lifting heavy objects, frequent stretching, walking, swimming, and other physical activities that you usually do.
2. Strangthen your back muscles
Next, you need to strengthen your back muscles. It doesn’t have to be done with expensive gadgets that only help focus and contract the muscles, but just regular simple workouts will do. Walking is a great form of exercise that you can do to build up your back.
3. Know how to lift heavy objects properly
To know how to heal lower back strain and pain, you need to know how to properly lift heavy objects. Make sure that you don’t strain your arms and upper body when carrying the heavy object because this may lead to further damages. If your arm hurts, then you are not using the weight correctly, so make sure you go back to the drawing board. And while you are at it, why not work on your core, too?
4. Do abdominal exercises
Another way on how to heal lower back strain and pain is by doing abdominal exercises. By strengthening your abdomen, you will be able to carry heavier loads. This will decrease the strain on your lower back. When you strengthen your abs, your strength will be increased all over, not just in your lower back. Doing regular cardiovascular exercise will also help improve the strength of your core and abdominal muscles.
While you are doing your abdominal exercises, you also have to make sure that you don’t put too much pressure on your lower back. You are not going to be able to fix the situation if you put too much pressure on your spine, so make sure that you keep your back straight. This is one of the main ways on how to heal lower back strain and pain in no time.
5. Back stretching
Other than abdominal exercises, you also have to do back stretching. This is a very important way on how to heal lower back strain and pain because it will help you get rid of any possible spinal abnormalities that might be causing your lower back strain and pain. Stretching your back will help increase the flexibility of your spine. You also have to do specific stretches regularly.
6. Change your lifestyle
In addition, another helpful thing to do on how to heal lower back strain and pain is to change your lifestyle. If you are always doing something at the same old place and doing the same routine, you will only aggravate the situation. Try going out and meeting new people. See a movie with your friends or go shopping.
7. Follow a healthy diet
Another important factor is your diet. If you eat the right foods, you will be able to easily repair your lower back pain. Make sure that you are eating foods that are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. These are proven effective on how to heal lower back strain and pain and should be included in your daily diet. If you are still having a hard time with this, ask your doctor for advice on which food should you eat.
8. Be consistent
If you want to know how to heal lower back strain and pain, you will also need to be consistent. This is very easy to do especially if you have been experiencing this problem for quite some time. Try to set aside 30 minutes every day for stretches and strengthening exercises. You can buy DVD’s and courses that will teach you how to strengthen your back properly. They can also help you in preventing lower back strain and pain in the future. These are just some of the tips on how to heal lower back pain.
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