What cause back pain during period?

back pain during period


Monthly periods are a time for bodily changes and corporal reactions, during this time a woman may experience various symptoms and pains in various parts of her body.

Yet, some pains come with more severe tensions than others and may make your day a nightmare to go through.
In this article, we will tackle back pains, since they back tis the core of your body, experiencing a pain with it would be quite difficult, this article we will talk to you more about it and how does it happen to you.

1) Increased hormones

back pain during period

Usually, lower back pain caused by menstruation ranges from mild aches to painful chronic pain that interferes greatly with most activities. Back pain also commonly occurs during the pre-menstrual stage where there is increased hormonal activity that causes organs to swell and is particularly noticeable in the abdomen, legs and upper thighs.

Lower back pain, which is caused by menstruation, often does not have a particular explanation but rather develops due to other causes such as lifting heavy objects or sitting in an uncomfortable chair for long periods of time.

2) Increased blood flow

back pain during period

Experiencing menstrual cramps is usually a symptom of the onset of a woman’s period. However, the pain may also come from other reasons such as muscle tension, bloating, constipation, and emotional stress.

For example, abdominal bloating, which is caused by the hormone progesterone that flows in the blood during menstruation, may get worse due to constipation. Such bloating is aggravated by pressure exerted by the uterus on the abdominal walls. Consequently, the flow of blood becomes increased, causing abdominal and back pain.

3) Endometriosis

back pain during period

Another factor that could lead to back pain during your period is endometriosis. This condition occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus leaks out of the body, affecting the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other organs.
Endometriosis usually affects older women and usually characterized by infertility or severe pelvic pain, abdominal cramping and irregular menstrual cycles. Women who are undergoing surgical procedure to remove their endometrial growths may suffer from back pain as a result of the surgical procedure itself.

4) Abnormal menstrual cycle

back pain during period

One main reason is abnormal menstrual cycle. Some women experience painful periods and cramps when their hormones (estrogens) and estrogen (progesterone) levels drop below the normal level. Such causes of irregular menstruation may include menopause, pregnancy and the onset of the menstrual cycle.

This usually causes some bodily changes and reaction including pack pains and it is also common for women to suffer from similar problems when they are not on their periods or even reached the menopause stages

5) Dysmenorrhea

back pain during period

Dysmenorrhea is another possible reason for back pain. Dysmenorrhea is the inability to keep up with the monthly flow of urine. A woman suffering from dysmenorrhea will usually experience pain around the menstrual cycle or between periods. For many women, relief is found when the dysmenorrhea episode is at its last stage. Most relief comes with a change in diet and lifestyle.

6) Causes

back pain during period

One of the most serious causes of backaches is uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths of tissues that form in the uterus. Common symptoms may include intense lower back pain during menstruation as well as bloating and heavy bleeding during periods.

7) Irregularity of menstrual cycle

back pain during period

Back pain during the period may be caused by an earlier first period or by irregularity in your menstrual cycle. For example, if you begin to have spotting between your periods but bleed heavily during the rest of your period, this is not due to stress or trauma to your body but to the beginning of your period.

However and at any case, your doctor will be able to help you determine whether the period, increased hormones, or trauma is the likely cause. In many cases, the only thing that is certain is that you’re experiencing back pain due to the hormone’s cycle, however this does not rule out every case and may not determine the cause strictly, and you should still have to visit the doctor in case your pain was intensified and medical drugs won’t do anything to relive your pain may signal something more severe such as kidney illnesses

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