Sudden sharp pains in the lower left side of your back could be a symptom of a severe condition, or it could just be a sign that your body is going through some changes. It could also be caused by an injury that has caused damage to one or more of your joints in your back. This condition is referred to as a herniated disc, which can cause sharp pains. The disc can also compress nerves, resulting in sharp pains. This type of pain is different from shooting or stabbing pains and typically occurs in a particular location on your spine. However, this is a serious condition that if left untreated, can complicate into something much worse.
How to determine whether you have sharp pains in your lower back?
One way to determine whether you have sharp pains in your lower back is to keep an object between your shoulder blades with your fingertips and feel for pressure. Do this while your back is relaxed and your feet are flat on the floor. If there is a sharp pain, this means that the nerves in your spine are being pinched, causing severe discomfort. Sharp pains in the lower back can result in a chronic pain condition known as sciatica, which is characterized by sharp pains on the legs and thighs, sometimes radiating to the buttock area. Sharp pains in the lower left side of the back could be a symptom of sciatica.
There are many causes of sharp pains in the lower back including Sudden change in temperature
One of the most common causes of sharp pains in the lower left side of the back. If it is a sudden temperature change, it can be a sign of cancer. Therefore, you should pay much attention to your body temperature. Also, if there is some pain or swelling in your abdomen or rectal region, it can be a sign of bowel problems. It would help if you visited your doctor immediately.
Kidney infections
The sharp pains can be caused by inflammation or infection in any part of your body. Bacteria mostly cause kidney infections. Therefore, if you are suffering from any disease in the kidneys or bladder, the abdomen will most likely be affected. Problems in the thyroid glands can also cause sharp pains on the left side of your body. Sharp pains in the back can be a symptom of kidney problems like peritonitis, nephritis, polycystic kidney disease and acute urinary retention. Sharp pains in the abdomen can be a symptom of acute urinary retention.
Other causes
Strained muscles in the back can also cause sharp back pain. These can be caused by a muscle pull, an injury, or an improper technique during exercising. If you’re having problems with sharp pains in your back, then you might want to check into your back exercises routine. If you’re not exercising correctly, your body might be holding onto too much fat, which can cause back pain.
Who is more susceptible to suffer from the pain?
Women tend to have more back pains than men. Sharp pains in the left side of your back can also occur after giving birth as your belly is stretched with the baby inside you. Sharp pains in the back can again happen if you sit or stand for long periods, or if you lift heavy objects. These pains can also result from any injury to your back.
How to treat sharp pains in the left side of your back
Visit your doctor It is the best way to treat this condition. Your doctor will perform a physical examination on you and will take some urine and stool samples to be tested for parasites or infections. If the problem is a urinary tract infection, antibiotics may be given, and if it is an inflammatory disorder, pain killers will probably be prescribed.
Rest the affected area
People who have sharp pains in the lower left side of their back need to rest the affected area and use ice packs on the inflamed region until the pain subsides. This will reduce the inflammation and will make the muscles of the leg relax. This can prevent further damage to the back. People who have sharp pains in the lower left side of their back can also use heat pads to relieve the pain and use a pillow to support the neck. Chiropractic treatment is a good option if one wants to reduce the aches and treat the spine properly.
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