Have you ever been down in the depths of pain after walking, and it was severe lower back pain when walking or standing? If so, then your spine is probably suffering from more than just minor backaches. It may not be spinal stenosis. Or even disc degeneration. It doesn’t matter what it is, as it is enough to sap your energy and cause you to quit activities that require moving. So, let’s look at some causes of severe lower back pain when walking or standing.

lower back pain
The spine is a complicated and fantastic structure. It is made up of several bones and discs, lined with ligaments and muscles, and supported by the vertebrae. The discs are thick, stiff discs that cushion the spinal bones and enable the spine to move. The ligaments, which allow the movement of the spine and hold the bones in place, are also involved. Ligaments allow for free movement of the joints and discs; joints allow the bones to move without restrictions. As you can see, the spine is a complicated structure, and for it to function correctly, you must make sure that your spinal bones, ligaments, and muscles are in top shape.
What causes the pain?

lower back pain
Spinal stenosis
It is one of the major causes of severe lower back pain when walking or standing. As you get older, your discs become less flexible and start to degenerate. The degeneration can lead to compression of the spinal nerves, which can lead to severe lower back pain. Condensation can also occur from the lack of flexibility of the spinal bones. When these two factors are combined, the result is pain down the legs.

lower back pain
Osteoarthritis can cause a lot of pain down your legs. It is caused by wearing shoes that do not fit right, which can increase pressure on the disks in your back. This can compress the spinal nerves and cause severe pain when walking or standing.

lower back pain
Menopause is a medical condition wherein a woman’s hormones suddenly change, causing severe hormonal fluctuations that affect her ability to walk and lead to back problems. Other reasons can include the injury. Any physical activity that causes strain to the back can contribute to the condition, as can muscle strain from exercising incorrectly. If these factors are present, the pain will quickly escalate into something worse.
Herniated disc or injury

lower back pain
The pain you experience could have easily been caused by a herniated disc or even an injury. Whatever the case may be, you can bet that you are not alone. Thousands of people suffer from back pain every single day. Many people do not want to take the time to check out their options, but you need to know that there is help available. Stop your severe lower back pain today.
Other causes

lower back pain
Some other conditions that can also lead to severe lower back pain when walking or standing include diabetes, kidney infections, heart disease, tumours, and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that usually affects older people and can be caused by a severe lack of calcium in one’s bones that leads to weak bones. This is commonly seen as a broken bone, but it can also cause pain in the legs or back. These are just a few conditions, which can all contribute to the problem, and will need to be evaluated by a doctor to find out if there is a better way to treat them.

lower back pain
Most cases of severe lower back pain when walking or standing can be treated easily. The majority can be treated with medication. However, sometimes medical treatment may not be enough to resolve the issue. For this reason, many people look towards alternative therapies for their pain.
There are many different types of natural treatments available for lower back pain and are becoming quite popular in America.
Exercise regularly

lower back pain
The best natural treatment for severe lower back pain when walking or standing is to get regular exercise. This can be as simple as going for a walk every single day or can involve more intensive activity like weightlifting or yoga. This will help strengthen the muscles in the back, which in turn will help to eliminate back pain in most people. Of course, it’s always important to see your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have a history of back problems or pain in the past. But if you’re ready to try some alternative remedies to help relieve the pain of your back, you should consider all your options. Natural treatments are generally much less expensive than medical treatments and have very few side effects.
Strengthen your core

lower back pain
What does that mean? It means that all the muscles of your body, including your stomach, chest and core should be working at an optimum level. If any one of these muscles becomes tired, you will start to feel pain.
Lose weight

lower back pain
This seems like a no brainer but what many people don’t realize is that when we lose weight, we become more aware of the pain that we are experiencing. If you have difficulty sitting for long periods, you will also have trouble standing for extended periods. It’s vital that you get the right amount of sleep every night and that you get enough exercise to help you keep yourself motivated.
Eliminate stress

lower back pain
Stress is the number one contributor to pain. It doesn’t matter if you are sitting in a chair all day or walking from here to there. You will develop aches and pains if you are stressed out, and it doesn’t matter whether you believe it is because of the job you are holding or the relationships you are involved with. Take a look at your life and figure out where you might be stressing out. Eliminate it or find alternative ways to reduce your stress.
Make sure you have good posture.

lower back pain
Another way in which you can reduce the severity of your lower back pain. It is important to stand with good posture so that you will not have any strain placed on the muscles, and you will be less likely to feel pain while walking or standing. You can also try wearing support hose or braces if you feel severe lower back pain when walking or standing. However, if none of these methods helps, then it is time to see your doctor.
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